Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 6 - Tute

Okey dokey.. So this weeks tute was pretty average. Dr Dan rambled on about our blogs for a little. I received a 62%. Pissed off? I'd have to say I was hoping more for the 80% bracket. I mean, 62% is still a pass, but it's a crappy pass... Here's what Dr Dan had to say.

If you're going to sign off "The 5 w's and h", you've got me worried. Not just because it's unclear how 5 w can have "and h" (because it's a possessive clause, not a plural), but because the blog begins so blisteringly well and then becomes ever-more reductive in its reflections. Good inclusion of media but often without sufficient explanation as to why this might interest the audience. It just needs a bit more 'lift' to get the 5 Ws over the line with the H.

Okay Dr Dan, you asked for more cynicism, so here it comes. Firstly, the 5 w's and h, stand for who, what, when, where, why and how, I thought that somebody with a doctorate would be able to figure that out, obviously not, my mistake, although you could have simply read my web address and put two and 2 together. (See what I did there.. Guys, Guys..). However from now on my signature will be the who what when where why how blog. Happy? Secondly, I included the media because we had to? I mean seriously, you mean to tell me that people who aren't in this class are reading my blog? Didn't think so... Anyway that my rant over. Hopefully I can improve my blog to a 80% standard.

After Dr Dan's ramble on about the blogs, and as we started to doze in our chairs, we awoke from our slumber when he mentioned the tute task.

We must use stills, include music, and not have any black screens.

Here it is... Alcoholism.
To all you phantom viewers of my blog, let me know what you think in a comment.

Keep your dial on me for a more cynical, intellectually challenging and gripping blog!

The who what when where why how blog


  1. Hey,
    I liked your video. very entertaining

  2. WOW I HAVE SOMEONE READING MY BLOG! Amazing. Hahaha cheers. It wasn't too difficult.

  3. Chris,
    5 W's is the possessive clause, 5 Ws is the plural. If you want to refer to 'who, what, when, where, why, and how' then it should read 'the 5 Ws and H'.
    Dr D.

  4. Scathing cynicism :D
