Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 6 - The lecture

So week six has finally arrived. The lecturer for this week Josh Nicholas walked around the front of the room, rambling about; consumption and production.

Josh outlined the fact that we want to be entertained all day, every day. In our car, home, some people even have entertainment screens in their bathrooms. At present, technology is becoming harder and harder to get away from.. Watch out people... The days of Terminator are just around the corner.

We consume through the big screen and small screen, and because we want to be entertained all day every day, we are now being able to receive this entertainment on our mobile phones. However the problem lies in sending the data. This has led to mobisodes, episodic stories and fan films. As consumers, we are becoming producers, if we don't like an ending to a movie, then edit it do the way we like it, or perhaps make a fan film, or new trailer to a movie.

Check out fan films. They're exactly that. Fan films, so don't expect them to be hollywood quality acting.
Or maybe check out some trailer mashups. Then go watch the real trailer and film. They're great fun to compare.
'Mankind is no island' - Tropfest 2008 winner.. Check it out, its quite cool.

These trailers, mashups, fan films, and mobisodes are the right size to be received on the mobile phone.

Check out ireport next week for some controversial Griffith news.

The 5 w's and h

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