Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 9 - Tute

Write out the question that you would like to answer for your essay.

Find at LEAST 5 books or journal articles that are useful to answering your question. You should write 50 words about each of the resources; focus on the following:

What is the key argument or information in this resource?

Is the view or information the same as the other resources you have found?

How does it contribute to your argument?

Is there a key quote that describes the main point of the article?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 9 - Lecture

Okey. Jason, I would just like to say, WHY AREN'T YOU OUR LECTURER? Seriously, the lecture was awesome. Anyone leaving early or entering late was singled out and made fun of, just the way it should be.

The lecture we looked at the different ways one can be involved in a community of some description. For instance the anti-wikipedia, uncyclopedia! This great little site explores everything that wikipedia dares to not. Everything that wikipedia stands for, uncyclopedia doesn't. Check out uncyclopedia's take on wikipedia if you dare.

Another site we checked out was 4chan. This site is an image based bulletin board, however it has links to hackers throughout the world that at any notice can shut down sites that they disapprove of.

Finally, we sat flabbergasted as we watched Jason play several of his 'interactive digital poetry and games'. These were interesting, however extremely off-putting. The effect of his 'digital poetry' was that I felt like I was on acid.

So that concluded the lecture, the main question running through everyone's heads was "What the hell just happened?"

The who what when where why how blog

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week 8 - Tute

Dr Dan, is the philosopher, at least, I'm sure in his past life he was... perhaps Plato.

This week our task is to see how many of the following we can achieve while sticking to your political beliefs?

- Sign an e-petition
- Respond to a professional blogger at a major news site
- What is Barak Obama doing today?
- Find out what your local, state and federal representatives are
Local member: Steve Griffiths
State member: Simon Finn
Federal member: Graham Perrett
- Look up the Queensland or Australian hansard to find the last time your local member spoke in parliament
My local member has spoken eleven times this year in parliament.
- Let your local member know what you think about their last speech.
- Read the lecture and the readings, pursue a couple of the topics that you find most interesting and then post your blog with your well-considered thoughts about the theory and practice of politics.

The who what when where why how blog

Week 8 - Lecture

So this week there was no lecture, but don't get your hopes up, I still have to post from the lecture notes.

Plato proposed, that our senses can be lied to. For instance, when you walk into a dark cave, you are blinded. Likewise, once your eyes have adjusted to the darkness, when you walk back outside, you are blinded again. Gibson stated that in our modern era, we don't have that blindness. For some reason we trust our senses.

We are also perhaps programmed for warfare. Nearly everything we see is based on warfare. Think about action movies, you cannot name a single action movie that doesn't involve guns or warfare. Board games for instance are the same. Take chess and checkers for example, they promote warfare. Cheat promotes political deception. Computer games are all based on war, or fighting. Many are based on a historical period, for instance, Call of Duty, runs through WWI, WWII and Afghanistan. Are we programmed to accept war?

When I googled board games, the first game to pop up was Monopoly, a 'WORLD DOMINATION' game.

The who what when where why how blog

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 7 - Tute

So this week Dan mumbled on about something or other that was covered in the lecture. I'm sure everyone fell asleep this time as this tute was MIND NUMBINGLY BORING! However I was awake for the first part of the tute, where we talked about the open source programs we were currently using. For me, Open source Liero. Liero is a classic worms game, however it is played in realtime and now with open source liero I can enjoy it even more!

This weeks tute task was to create a three minute video comprised of photos and videos taken from portable media. It could be either of the following; a news report about University, or another boring video. What did I choose? To make a boring video INTERESTING! Maybe.

Here is a video, that I have compiled of pictures taken by me at my year twelve formal.
Hope you enjoy it...

The who what when where why how blog

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 7 - Lecture

Okey dokey. Todays lecture was taken by Adam Muir. Topic of interest, Creative commons and Open source software.

Creative commons is a not for profit organisation that enables "some rights reserved". The rights as the creator are chosen by you. Under these licensing schemes, I could write a book in english, and post it online with the creative commons license. Then a translator in England could translate my book into French. A illustrator in Canada could illustrate the book, and the book could then be used in Bolivia, helping teach young children how to read. Whilst this is possible under a regular license, the creative commons license makes it easier to access and download for free.

The other topic for this week was open source software. This is basically free to use software, that you can edit and change as you wish, upload and redistribute. In simple terms, open source software is basically a recipe, that upload on the internet. Your friends download it, and after trying it out, decide to change a little bit to make it better. After doing this, they upload the new version, and redistribute it on the internet. There are hundreds of open source software out there. OpenOffice, Linux, Firefox and VLC are just a few. If you're looking at changing your software, then Source Forge is the place to go.

Quite often open source software is a quicker and more reliable way to run your computer. In 2007, when Microsoft released Windows Vista, Windows XP users were unable to read Vista file types. Open source software had a patch for XP users within a week, Microsoft took months. If the job needs to be done, the community will comply, rather than waiting for the company.

Adam left us with a little homework.
Find a free piece of software, and use it for 10 days. Lets see how I go.

The who what when where why how blog

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 6 - Tute

Okey dokey.. So this weeks tute was pretty average. Dr Dan rambled on about our blogs for a little. I received a 62%. Pissed off? I'd have to say I was hoping more for the 80% bracket. I mean, 62% is still a pass, but it's a crappy pass... Here's what Dr Dan had to say.

If you're going to sign off "The 5 w's and h", you've got me worried. Not just because it's unclear how 5 w can have "and h" (because it's a possessive clause, not a plural), but because the blog begins so blisteringly well and then becomes ever-more reductive in its reflections. Good inclusion of media but often without sufficient explanation as to why this might interest the audience. It just needs a bit more 'lift' to get the 5 Ws over the line with the H.

Okay Dr Dan, you asked for more cynicism, so here it comes. Firstly, the 5 w's and h, stand for who, what, when, where, why and how, I thought that somebody with a doctorate would be able to figure that out, obviously not, my mistake, although you could have simply read my web address and put two and 2 together. (See what I did there.. Guys, Guys..). However from now on my signature will be the who what when where why how blog. Happy? Secondly, I included the media because we had to? I mean seriously, you mean to tell me that people who aren't in this class are reading my blog? Didn't think so... Anyway that my rant over. Hopefully I can improve my blog to a 80% standard.

After Dr Dan's ramble on about the blogs, and as we started to doze in our chairs, we awoke from our slumber when he mentioned the tute task.

We must use stills, include music, and not have any black screens.

Here it is... Alcoholism.
To all you phantom viewers of my blog, let me know what you think in a comment.

Keep your dial on me for a more cynical, intellectually challenging and gripping blog!

The who what when where why how blog

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 6 - The lecture

So week six has finally arrived. The lecturer for this week Josh Nicholas walked around the front of the room, rambling about; consumption and production.

Josh outlined the fact that we want to be entertained all day, every day. In our car, home, some people even have entertainment screens in their bathrooms. At present, technology is becoming harder and harder to get away from.. Watch out people... The days of Terminator are just around the corner.

We consume through the big screen and small screen, and because we want to be entertained all day every day, we are now being able to receive this entertainment on our mobile phones. However the problem lies in sending the data. This has led to mobisodes, episodic stories and fan films. As consumers, we are becoming producers, if we don't like an ending to a movie, then edit it do the way we like it, or perhaps make a fan film, or new trailer to a movie.

Check out fan films. They're exactly that. Fan films, so don't expect them to be hollywood quality acting.
Or maybe check out some trailer mashups. Then go watch the real trailer and film. They're great fun to compare.
'Mankind is no island' - Tropfest 2008 winner.. Check it out, its quite cool.

These trailers, mashups, fan films, and mobisodes are the right size to be received on the mobile phone.

Check out ireport next week for some controversial Griffith news.

The 5 w's and h