Monday, August 10, 2009

Week one - The lecture

So many technological words were thrown at us. Technology, communication, transmitter, receiver, binary, convergence. What does it all mean? Well that's what this course is about.

We started off the lecture, with all the boring stuff; reading through the course outline, going through the assessment, and just generally making sure everyone knew what they were in for. Later we watched as an example of new technology communication, 'Cocaine Jesus'. Turn the sound up, and keep you mouse over the pause button, as it does tend to roll a little fast.

With this under our belts, the general feeling in the lecture was much more relaxed, the perfect opportunity for our lecture Steve Stockwell to smash us back to reality.

Old technologies versus new technologies. How can we tell the difference? Firstly, we must define technology. "The scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world." (Stockwell S. 2009) Marshall McLuhan argues that technology is the extension of the human body, a bike an extension of the legs, a tool, the extension of the hand. Which moves us on to the ways of storing information.

There are two ways, analog and digital. Analog the way of the past uses technological functions by representing continuously variable forces, through roughly proportional signals or dials. This results in a fairly inaccurate reading. Digital technology, however uses binary measures to transport information, this allows a much more precise mode of information transportation. Whilst digital technology is the way of the future, some people still prefer to use analog technologies. Think of it as comparing an acoustic guitar, to an electric guitar. There is the possibility to end with the same outcome, however the processes will vary.

Convergence appears to be happening, and is becoming more and more popular. It is seen everywhere; mobile phones that have radio, internet, mp3 and a camera, fridges that are connected to the internet that order groceries when stocks are low. Businesses are converging, you just need to look at the 'Coles group', or 'Woolworth's chain'. Convergence is inevitable, as is our reliance on technology.

The 5 w's and h

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